Cashew Juices

Cashew Juices

Production and Processing

Freshly harvested cashew apples are washed in running water to remove any soil debris or microbial spoilage. The juice is then extracted through hydraulic press. Poly Vinyl Pyrollidone is added to the cashew juice and passed through muslin cloth for clarification. After 20 to 40 min the clear supernatant is added with sugar and preservatives such as sodium benzoate and citric the procedure for preparation of juice, cashew squash and cashew syrup are similar. But the consistency of squash can be achieved by adding more sugar and citric acid.

Production & Processing


harvesting takes place when apples are fully grown, in size, and the colour becomes red or yellow using Harvesting plastic crate.


Transport cashew to the agribusiness unit in not so deep harvesting crates carefully placed inside the vehicle

Receiving and weighing

Received and weigh products near the pre-washing zone on a platform scale.

Washing and sorting

Wash to eliminate impurities and microbial load using bleach. Remove rotten parts using stainless steel knives.

Extracting Nuts

Carefully extract the Nuts with a nylon string or use a small special knife.

Extracting Juice and Crushing

Extracting juice is press or expeller press. The cashew Juice must be filtered immediately after coming from the press.

Clarifying Juice

A clarifying agents, Gelatin solution, is added to it at this stage

Filtering Cashew Juice

After clarification the cashew juice is filtered using felt fabric pieces. The juice collected must be re-filtered until clear, clarified, colourless, transparent juice, resembling white wine in colour. Is obtained.

Filling and Sealing

Clarified cashew juice is normally bottled in 500 ml bottles which are filled by hand or by means of semi-automatic fillers, and then are closed with screw or metal caps in a table top capper.

Thermal Treatment

Thermal treatment provides the typical colour and flavour to the product and also kills microbes found in the cashew juice


Hot bottles in the water bath must not be removed but must be allowed to cool gradual and slow before removal. Put running water at ambient temperature inside the tank. Remove bottles at a water temperature of 45-50oC in the tank. Place bottles in a dry place to cool.


After dried, label bottled juices by hand and finally, they are stored in corrugated cardboard boxes in a dry and well ventilated storage at room temperature.

Quality Control

We provide our customers with the most healthy and safe products available in the market today. We have implemented national food production enterprises’ site management standards, established sound food safety guarantee and quality control systems, and installed a full range of testing equipment.